Copywriting, Email Tactics, Messaging

12 Content Ideas for Your Email Campaigns

If you’re just getting started with email marketing, if it’s been awhile since you sent an email because you aren’t sure what to send, or if you’re looking for new content ideas to help you move beyond an email newsletter, this list is the perfect starting point:

  1. Interview an executive.
  2. Create a series about your product/service.
  3. Write educational, how-to tips and articles.
  4. Interview a customer (or member, or fan).
  5. Write about an event you’re attending, from the event.
  6. Share some behind-the-scenes information about your company or product.
  7. Promote thought leadership articles.
  8. Share company successes and awards.
  9. Repurpose content from a seminar.
  10. Showcase a partner company or service.
  11. Interview an employee.
  12. Broadcast news from your industry.

Source: the Emma blog

One thought on “12 Content Ideas for Your Email Campaigns

  1. These are good tips, and a good reminder to me as someone who writes a monthly e-newsletter. Industry news is also a good one. People want to know what’s going on. And, as you demonstrated in this post, numbered-list articles are great. They’re usually easy to write and a quick read.

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